Friday 3rd March 2023
I purchased a Sony Alpha ZV-E10 camera for the film. This camera is what I will use to shoot this film. I decided to get it because I intend to shoot in 4K, something that the other cameras I have access to cannot perform.
Monday 6th March 2023
On this day I finally managed to complete the script for the film. For me, this was a huge piece of progress as I was having trouble focusing at that time, so seeing the script finally reach completion was a huge motivator for me.
I also received the Sony camera that evening, I spent the whole evening learning how to use the camera so I will be able to film to the best of my abilities.
Tuesday 7th March 2023
I pitched my short film to my college tutor. As a media student, a necessary part of the production process is pitching the short film. I managed to whip up a Powerpoint presentation designed to pitch my short film to my tutor Adrian. This pitch can be viewed below:
Wednesday 8th March 2023
I began working on this very website. For my final major college project (Tall Glass of Nothing), I saw fit to give it its own independent website.
Thursday 9th March 2023
I launched the website that was started on Wednesday. I also launched it with two blog posts: one that serves to introduce the production journal and the other being the first of many production blog posts (that is the one you are reading right now!).